The existence of God-dess cannot be conclusively proved or disproved. God-dess exists beyond time, space, reason, and conception as well as in time, space, reason, and conception. Therefore, we can know God-dess to the degree we comprehend his-her self-revelation at the moment. So, it comes down to faith aided by intuition and reason. Faith is not contrary to reason, however, certain aspects of faith cannot be fully understood by us now and remain the great mystery.
Agnostics could do well by acting and believing in God-dess because there is nothing to lose and everything to gain following the logic of Pascal’s Wager. We act as if we believe until real belief develops. This is the beginning of devotion and usually brings the fruits of more ethical behavior, increased happiness, feeling a sense of purpose in life, and treating others with more love. These tangible results inspire more faith which in turn brings more results and more faith. In this way, we can perform an experiment and determine for ourselves the results of faith.
Blaise Pascal was a brilliant man whose work in mathematics and probability theory made him think and re-think about infinite, which in turn reflects on society and its system of beliefs, religion and God-dess.
His Wager is a step forward from a doctrinal and obligatory acceptance of God-dess and his-her existence. But his proposal is based in abstracted theory of probability, which applied in real life has so much more to it than a simple gamble. There’s 50-50 chance that God-dess exists, his Wager proposes. Of course, but there’s also 50-50 chance I can win national lottery — I shall win, or I shall not. Do we see the problem now?
The real application of this gambit (wager) is far more complex than it seems to be at a first glance. In real life it’s not just deciding upon believing in something — and which doesn’t produce any result at all — but it means to set ourselves in motion and prove the probable 50% favorable result of this gambit. The chances we’ll win could suddenly become so much smaller and smaller.
And this is what differentiates belief from faith. Our belief is not justified in real world application and that’s why it remains to be a belief. If the idea of God-dess remains to be a mere belief in our life, we actually prove nothing, and live nothing. Belief proves nothing. From this perspective, even a lifetime spent on positively disproving God-dess’ existence is a life better spent than a life wrapped in mere belief without any action or simply urging others to accept belief at a face value.
Thus anything we want to prove about God-dess, we have to put it in positive action, to see and experience what the real odds are. Who knows, maybe they’re much better than a mere 50%? We’ll know only if we bravely step forward.
PS. Thank you for this inspiring post.