Author Archive

War sucks!

I just spoke to my son John, 22 years old, in the Army National Guard. He enlisted as soon as he turned 18 and was supposed to be discharged in November. However, now he has orders to go to Iraq in November. July 1st, he reports for four months of training in Texas and Louisiana. […]

Love is the answer

There is a difference between following rules and regulations and ethical, civilized behavior. Of course one must act in a way which respects all living entities and the whole of God’s creation. I admit to a Christian influence in this regard. When Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandment, he answered that one should […]

If God exists, why is there so much suffering?

The most satisfying answer I have found to this question is based on the book When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Rabbi Kirchner. To summarize: If God is all knowing, all powerful and all loving, there is a contradiction because if this is true how can an all loving God allow so much […]

The need for spiritual regulations

I gave up following the regulative principles taught by my guru 30 years ago, and yet the desire for love of Radha Krishna still burns in my heart and gives me no relief. I didn’t take a guru so that I could follow regulative principles, but rather to develop love of God. I accepted the […]

Wake up!

I saw “The Day After Tomorrow” yesterday. I think it is a great great movie and recommend that everyone see it. While some say it is unnecessarily alarmist, I say, someone needs to raise the alarm! The events in the movie may be exagerated, but such events are a possibility. The longer we as a […]

My Position

I do not accept “easy universalizing.” I rankle at impersonalist rhetoric which often casually equates the individual living entity with God. I oppose fundamentalist interpretations of religion. I oppose religious traditions that oppress their followers. I find no one spiritual/religious tradition which I can totally embrace without some disagreement. Differences do make a difference. However, […]

Matthew Fox

I have been very influenced my Matt Fox. I read a number of books by him and heard him speak in person several times. He played a major role in allowing me to bridge the gap between Vaishnavism and Christianity. I used his book The Coming of the Cosmic Christ as the basis for my […]

Global Warming

While “The Day After Tomorrow” is said to be more science fiction than science, there is real scientific evidence behind it. Check out what the Union of Concerned Scientists has to say about Global Warming. Be concerned, Steve

The Path of Love

“The Path of Love” got off to a great start this evening. Several of us enjoyed devotional chanting and Bhagavad Gita study. This will be on going, Thursday evenings, 7:30 pm, at Above and Beyond, 1136 Wealthy St SE, Grand Rapids, MI. Come and join us. No previous experience or knowledge is required, just an […]

Vacation and Vocation

After two weeks of vacation, visiting family and friends, staying at a resort in the Poconos and driving almost two thousand miles, it’s good to be home, back to my routines and the work I enjoy so much. It makes me feel pretty good about my life that I enjoy work and home life as […]