A strong Taoist streak permeates my spirituality. I’ve long consulted and followed the I Ching. I think of it as a way to have a direct, personal conversation with Cosmic Consciousness. Early last year, I did a general reading, and to my surprise, it told me I reached the goal of my spiritual practices to develop my eternal spiritual relationship with Radha-Krishna. Accepting this, I stopped those practices trusting Radha-Krishna to fulfill my desired relationship with them after spending over fifty years working on it. Surely, they know better than I how that relationship may reach fruition, since my concepts and desires are tinged by material cultural concepts derived from both the Indian Vaishnava tradition and the Western culture that I blended with it. I’m sure whatever Radha-Krishna have in store for me will be much better than anything I can imagine. Therefore, I surrender in faith to their will and live with a sense of open expectation for this life and the next.
Last spring, I found it difficult to continue living due to old age and deteriorating health. I was ready to die. Then the volcano erupted a few miles from our home in Hawaii, and I realized I had to buck up and be there for my wife. Conditions worsened to where the air quality was very detrimental to our health. We decided to move to Mexico. By the grace of God-dess that move went quite smoothly. We now live in a good house, in a pleasant neighborhood, and are getting to know people here. My health seems to be improving, and I have a new lease on life. I read, do photography, relearn the guitar, and enjoy the wonderful cultural life Morelia provides. Life is good, and I’ll live it thankfully for as long as it lasts.
While I have no new teachings to offer at this time other than to live life joyfully. Having published three books, YouTube videos, and many essays, I’ve provided plenty of grist for the mill. I am open to communicating with seekers and sharing whatever wisdom I may have gained to help them on the path. We’re all in this together, and helping one another is important. Love and blessings.