I don’t follow the news very closely, so I didn’t know much about Barak Obama. Yesterday, my wife and I watched the DVD, “Barak Obama: Who Is This Guy?†I didn’t much like him when I first saw him in 2004. I didn’t like the way he dealt with Jeremiah Wright. I voted for him as the lesser of two evils. I just expected more of the same with a new, more appealing face. Political leaders of both parties have been disappointing for some time now.
Yet, after watching this movie and hearing the endorsements of Martin Luther King’s son and daughter, along with others, it makes me dare to begin to hope again. Maybe he actually will do what’s best for the American people. Maybe there is hope in this dark time after-all. Dare I believe and trust a leader again? I’ll view the coming months with an open heart and mind and see what happens. Let’s hope for the best and work together for positive change. I think I’ll go to the Martin Luther King rally in Hilo tomorrow.
I’m still very upset about the police commission and county counsel shelving our initiative to make cannabis use the police’s lowest priority until the state attorney general rules on its legality. How long does it take? Come on. These people are just stonewalling because they don’t want to accept it. Where is democracy and the rule of the people here?
Work continues on my book, and I am leaning toward self-publishing at this time. I am very grateful for the support and encouragement of Mike Valle and Zvonimir Tosic for this project. They are highly talented, and I am fortunate to be able to work with them. God-dess is guiding and blessing us all.
Let us hope for the best and bring out the best in ourselves, as in the U.S. tomorrow we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and carry on his legacy, and the next day Barak Obama is inaugurated in what I hope will begin the realization of Dr. King’s dream.
Om shanti, peace, and aloha.