The current police chief publicly dismissed the new ordinance passed by the people of Hawaii County making enforcement of cannabis laws the police’s lowest priority. He said nothing would change and called those who support marijuana use “terrorist supporters.” Thirteen other U.S. communities have similar ordinances. This community has been subjected to a paramilitary marijuana eradication campaign for thirty years. We have had enough. This drives up the price of marijuana, which leads to an ice epidemic which plagues the community now.
Chief Mahuna is retiring at the end of the year. The police commission held a public hearing yesterday regarding hiring his replacement. I and about sixty other activists attended. I spoke about our constitutional right to government of, by, and for the people. The police are addicted to receiving large sums of money from the feds for marijuana eradication. They also seem to be corrupt and are not nationally accredited. I hope our testimony will have an effect. Liberty requires vigilance and it must be protected. It would be great to go into the new year with a better president and police chief. The times are changing. We must insist on accountability by our leaders on all levels.
Om shiva shankara hara hara ganja.