Well, I got my MacBook and am able to write again without having to deal with computer problems, although I’m still in the learning stage with this.
You may wonder what I’ve been doing the past couple of months. I’ve been doing a re-examination of my faith, going back to beginner’s mind, letting go, embracing doubts and new ways of looking at things, meditating, and reading extensively. I’m pretty much where I was before, but with more clarity, understanding and depth.
Some of the books I’ve been reading include: Intelligence and Understanding by Osho. Intelligence was OK, but I couldn’t get through Understanding due to his belligerent, overt atheism. The other books I read were all good and I highly recommend them. The Great Transformation by Karen Armstrong, Why Religion in an Age of Disbelief by Huston Smith, The Inner Dimensions of Outer Space by Joseph Campbell, The G.O.D. Experiments by Gary Swartz, The Bhagavad Gita, The Philosophy and Religion of Sri Caitanya by O.B.L. Kapoor, Living Buddha Living Christ by Tich Nat Hahn and Paths to God by Ram Dass. Also the dvds: The Power of Myth–Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers, The Mystic’s Journey–Huston Smith and Zardoz–John Boorman. I am just beginning The God We Never Knew by Marcus Borg.
I meet a couple, Paul and Judy, who are Pure Land Buddhists starting a center in Hilo. We have begun a good relationship and share certain beliefs such as grace, chanting Holy Names and a personal afterlife. We are going to hold a book study of Dynamics of Faith by Paul Tillich at the Kope Kope Coffee House in Hilo starting soon. They also got me involved in the local peace movement.
I’ve also been going to Ecstatic Dance at Kalani and the drum circle at Kehena Beach. Life is good. I continue to grow an revision my faith in a way that works for me at this stage of life, in this place, now. I am very fortunate to be here.