Well here I am in my yurt in Hawaii at six a.m., and I’m freezing my butt off. It’s probably around sixty degrees out, but it seems colder. Living here, the blood becomes thinner as one gets used to temperatures in the upper 70s to low 80s during the day. I’ve been up since five. I usually dress warm and just tough it out, but this morning I decided to try a packet of instant coffee and Asian mushroom that is supposed to be better than ginseng. A minister friend of mine in Michigan sent me some samples. She’s selling it on the internet. It warmed me up a bit an gave me a buzz at least. I’m still waiting for sunrise and a good hot breakfast.
The yurt has four large screened windows which we keep open all the time. There are clear vinyl windows, but they’re too much hassle to put on and off. We’re going to get heavy window coverings, but haven’t yet. Also, we consider getting a wood or gas stove. We live at 1,000 feet elevation and there is high humidity, so the cold goes deep. It reminds me of winter in Vrindaban, only there it got down into the forties at least. It’s also similar to San Francisco Bay area weather.
We just love living here in our yurt in spite of whatever inconveniences there may be. It’s all worth it to live in paradise and the simple living is conducive to our spiritual progress. This is why we moved here. Our vision is certainly manifesting very nicely.