Thus, we arrive at a point where the highest human conception of God-dess and the highest service one can render them is for them to be a loving young couple, with us as their friends and lovers, totally unaware of their divinity. Deep, intense love remains the key element.
The associates please God-dess according to their particular relationship, like servant, friend, parent, or lover. This relationship does not derive from birth or an external ceremony like adoption or marriage, but it derives from the specific emotion or devotional love an associate manifests. Natural devotional practice includes cultivating an emotional, loving relationship with God-dess. God-dess […]
Braj is a place of pilgrimage in Uttar Pradesh, India, but the spiritual Braj exists in the hearts of devotees wherever they are. Radha-Krishna’s pastimes go on there now and forever. One can see them only by the grace and sweet will of Radha-Krishna or their beloveds.
Since we are finite parts of the holographic whole, God-dess lives within us. When we attune ourselves to the spiritual plane, God-dess awakens within us, and we consciously engage in a loving relationship–the perfection of spiritual life. Radha-Krishna also live in Braj, the spiritual abode. Like them, it consists of existence, consciousness, and bliss. As […]
They combine breadth of spirit, intense modulations, eternal peace, and calm perfection with dynamic, eternally self-revealing, self-fulfilling creative activity, and quickness of movement with intense harmony and grace. Radha-Krishna awaken these modulations in us, satisfying our longings for love, knowledge, and peace in an integrative synthesis.
From our human point of view, Radha-Krishna, in their intrinsic form, possess infinite potencies, infinite attributes, and all divine excellences. They constitute the ultimate source of everything, the prime cause of all causes. They possess spiritual bodies, which are beautiful beyond words. They manifest in many places simultaneously, and no qualitative difference exists between these […]
The blissful energy enables God-dess to enjoy bliss and infuses bliss into the hearts of loving devotees. The essence of the blissful energy is divine love. The fullest manifestation of divine love is Radha, the eternal consort or counter-whole of Krishna, the personal absolute. Just as Krishna possesses infinite divine energies in their highest perfection, […]
The blissful energy enables God-dess to enjoy bliss and infuses bliss into the hearts of loving devotees. The essence of the blissful energy is divine love. The fullest manifestation of divine love is Radha, the eternal consort or counter-whole of Krishna, the personal absolute. Just as Krishna possesses infinite divine energies in their highest perfection, […]
Remembering Radha-Krishna Throughout the Day The following is intended to be meditated on daily while we imagine ourselves in our perfect spiritual identity as a character interacting in the play. It follows the basic plot outline given by Rupa Goswami in his Ashta-Kaliya-Leela-Smarana-Mangala-Stotram. We updated it for contemporary use, while trying to remain as faithful […]
Some months ago I had an inspiration to study the Kama Sutra in relation to Radha-Krishna’s pastimes. I purchased Anne Hooper’s edition which “reinterprets and updates the ancient erotic texts…distilling 2,000 years of sexual knowledge into an exhilarating modern guide.†and compared that with The Complete Illustrated Kama Sutra edited by Lance Dane. Hooper left […]