Steve’s Musings

Free your mind

The seasons change and so do I. Life is a constant process of change. It never stays the same unless we’re stuck and blind to what’s going on around us. Every day is new, fresh and fragrant. We can enjoy the beauty of the sun shimmering on the leaves of the tree outside our window […]

Up-grade your life!

Well, I’ve been consumed the past couple of days with the task of buying a new computer system. Therefore, I haven’t blogged. I crashed my printer last week and had to buy a new one, and in the process discovered how really old my computer was (5 years). I decided to upgrade to a notebook […]


How often we have to compromise between what we want and what is attainable. For example, I really like Dennis Kucinich’s positions on issues like defense, trade, etc.. He is who I would like to see elected president because he would do the things I’d like to see happen. Yet the media says he’s unelectable, […]

Part and Whole

As I understand it, we are one with God. We have the same qualities as God, but in different quantity. God is infinite. We are infinitesimal. God is the whole. We are the part. The part is meant to serve the whole. When we are in union with God, God’s energy can flow through us […]


Learning to maintain balance in life is one of the most important things. Stay cool, calm and collected. Sure, it’s OK to get excited when something goes well and the emotions well up. Sure, it’s OK to get bummed out when things go poorly and that sinking feeling comes along. The trick is to maintain […]

Another crucifixion

Well, I just returned from the crucifixion of another good pastor. Rev. Mary Martin, of Wallin Congregational United Church of Christ in Grand Rapids, Michigan was just dismissed by a congregational vote after months of conflict including legal actions and a lock-out. The meeting could not even be held at the church but was held […]


Life unfolds mysteriously around us every day. How aware are we of life’s deeper mysteries? Do we take the time to experience the joy of just being or are we too caught up in our doings? When one takes the time to meditate, to stop the endless chatter of the mind, to be in the […]

Hope for the future

I feel really happy and optimistic about the future of the US for the first time in a long time. Wes Clark’s entry into the presidential race is a source of real encouragement. I like some of the other Democratic contenders like Dean and Kusinich, but I think Clark has a real chance of winning. […]

Why Your Life Sucks

Last July, I resigned as pastor of a church I served for three years. I was a United Church of Christ pastor for eleven years at three churches. I got tired of serving persons who were stuck and didn’t want to grow and change. Shortly after resigning, I was browsing in a bookstore when a […]

What shall I call myself?

I wish there were a simple thing I could call myself. “I’m a ….” However, at this time in my life, I haven’t been able to find that. So, I say I am an eclectic spiritual guide, minister and life coach. I draw upon the best teachings and traditions both ancient and modern along with […]