It’s been three weeks since my last blog. I apologize. It has been a very busy time for me–two or three workshops and one or two weddings a week plus life coaching and spiritual guidance. I have also published Sikshastakam: Sri Krishna Chaitanya’s Teachings in a paperback edition, 20 pages, $3.00. I also continue to […]
I am happy to announce the web publication of Sikshastakam, Sri Chaitanya’s Teachings, by Steve Bohlert, Subal Das. These eight verses are said to have been composed by Sri Krishna Chaitanya, 500 years ago. They outline the basis of his teachings which I also present in my Path of Love classes. I provide purports to […]
I just returned from a press conference attended by about 25 local clergy opposing the proposed marriage amendment to the Michigan constitution. A statement was signed by 83 clergy opposed to the amendment which would prohibit gay marriages and eliminate existing domestic partnership benefits currently granted by many municipalities and state universities. It is good […]
One of the fun things we do at Above and Beyond is have a poetry reading every other Tuesday evening at 7:00 pm. There will be one tomorrow. I’m running out of original poems to read. So, I just wrote one and posted it on my website. Check it out. Selected Writings by Spiritual Guide […]
I got a link to this article in my Sojomail today The United States of Ronald Reagan, Sojourners Magazine/September-October 2001. It’s by someone who feels the way I do about the former president. I was so angry Sunday morning as I ate breakfast listening to NPR “news” gush on and on about how great he […]
I just spoke to my son John, 22 years old, in the Army National Guard. He enlisted as soon as he turned 18 and was supposed to be discharged in November. However, now he has orders to go to Iraq in November. July 1st, he reports for four months of training in Texas and Louisiana. […]
There is a difference between following rules and regulations and ethical, civilized behavior. Of course one must act in a way which respects all living entities and the whole of God’s creation. I admit to a Christian influence in this regard. When Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandment, he answered that one should […]
The most satisfying answer I have found to this question is based on the book When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Rabbi Kirchner. To summarize: If God is all knowing, all powerful and all loving, there is a contradiction because if this is true how can an all loving God allow so much […]
I gave up following the regulative principles taught by my guru 30 years ago, and yet the desire for love of Radha Krishna still burns in my heart and gives me no relief. I didn’t take a guru so that I could follow regulative principles, but rather to develop love of God. I accepted the […]
I saw “The Day After Tomorrow” yesterday. I think it is a great great movie and recommend that everyone see it. While some say it is unnecessarily alarmist, I say, someone needs to raise the alarm! The events in the movie may be exagerated, but such events are a possibility. The longer we as a […]