Posts Tagged ‘Environment’

Life Affirming

What does it mean that Universalist Radha-Krishnaism is a life affirming philosophy? It means accepting our embodied state and this world as a God-dess given gift. Since we are children of God-dess, he-she only gives us good things. The glories of nature are the best visible manifestations of God-dess we have. Our body-mind-spirit nature is […]

An Environmental Perspective

Rather than God-dess giving humans dominion over other species and the environment, we are given stewardship of them–responsibility to care for them. In today’s urban environments we tend to loose our connection with nature, and materialistic capitalism dominates. One of the main underlying causes driving a multiplicity of problems is rapid population growth that takes […]

An Environmental Perspective

Rather than God-dess giving humans dominion over other species and the environment, we are given stewardship of them–responsibility to care for them. In today’s urban environments we tend to loose our connection with nature, and materialistic capitalism dominates. One of the main underlying causes driving a multiplicity of problems is rapid population growth that takes […]