Posts Tagged ‘devotion’

Infinite Potential

I read a number of quantum physics books lately, but I think Infinite Potential: What Quantum Physics Reveals About How We Should Live by physical chemist Lothar Schafer provides the best argument for a spiritual dimension underlying and directing the universe and our lives. He asserts, “Everything that exists in the visible world has first […]

Natural Devotion 7: The Practice

“Practitioners nurture interdependence more than independence because relatedness increases enjoyment. . . . People influence the future by how they live in the present, the consciousness they develop, and most importantly, the loving relationship they develop with Radha-Krishna. Devotees envision their desired future and enlist the aid of God-dess to get them there by living […]

The Bhagavat 3: Spiritual Ideas

Bhaktivinode Thakur said, “Material examples are absolutely necessary for the explanation of spiritual ideas.” “Nature as it is before our eyes must explain the spirit, or else the truth will ever remain concealed.” “All spiritual ideas are similarly pictures from the material world, because matter is the dictionary of the spirit.” There is an “unfailing […]

Natural Devotion Trailer

This Natural Devotion Trailer touches on some key points from the playlist. Lalita Prasad Thakur initiated Steve Bohlert into this practice of meditating on becoming a girlfriend of Radha, the Supreme Goddess, which is the goal of Chaitanya Vaishnavism. He uses contemporary western language to explain traditional concepts. A non-dual, panentheistic perspective and self-surrender to […]

The Bhagavat 2: Natural Intuition

Bhaktivinode Thakur explained how Brahma looked into his inner spiritual nature and received guidance from the Universal Spirit. Similarly, Vyas was inspired to write the Bhagavat Puran. Bhaktivinode said we can do the same when we spiritualize our lives. He advised seeing everything as spiritual and living in continual union with the divine. Natural devotion […]

God-dess Within

This video concludes my comments on the second chapter of Universalist Radha-Krishnaism called Amorous Paths. In Universalist Radha-Krishnaism’s panentheistic view, the world is a manifestation of God-dess who shines through all. God-dess is present in and as the cosmos. Radha-Krishna exist as the anima and animus within us, and we seek the inner union of the […]

Transcending Duality

Learn to see everything as spiritual in the light of Radha-Krishna rather than as sacred or profane.

Amorous Spirituality

Amorous spirituality may seem revolutionary, but it has a long and varied history. Universalist Radha-Krishnaism reintroduces it to enrich people’s lives. Those repressed by centuries of sex-negativity may think it a huge leap, but it is well worth the effort to become whole. Natural devotees integrate the needs of body, mind, and spirit. They realize the […]

Natural Devotion 2: Overview

Hi. This video unpacks the book title and amorous devotion thus providing a summary of the rest of the series.

Video Commentary on Universalist Radha-Krishnaism

I began a series of video commentaries on Universalist Radha-Krishnaism: