Download Steve Bohlert on Common Threads Radio

Common Threads
A Co-production of WGVU Radio & The Interfaith Dialogue Association

Steve Bohlert appeared again on Common Threads September 30 and October 7, 2012 to discuss his new book, An Authentic Life: A Spiritual Autobiography in two half-hour interviews with host Fred Stella. November 20 & 27, 2011 he spoke about Universalist Radha-Krishnaism: The Way of Natural Devotion; A Practitioner’s Handbook. He was interviewed about his first book, Universalist Radha-Krishnaism: A Spirituality of Liberty, Truth, and Love, February 7th and 14th, 2010. They can now be heard world-wide as podcasts.

Common Threads is heard weekly on Grand Rapids, Michigan NPR affiliate, WGVU-FM, hosted by Interfaith Dialogue Association President, Fred Stella. In this world of sound bite journalism and confrontational hit and run radio, Common Threads is a welcome relief.  Guests come from virtually every point on the spectrum of spirituality & religion. In the past dozen years they’ve had Tibetan Buddhist lamas, Catholic priests, Hindu monks, Jewish Kabbalah teachers, Evangelical pastors and many, many more share the microphone.

The format is quite simple. In the tradition of such NPR programs as Fresh Air or Speaking of Faith, they invite guests to share informal conversation with host, Fred Stella. There is almost no editing in this process.

You can download and listen to shows as podcasts here:

October 7, 2012

September 30, 2012

November 20, 2011

November 27, 2011

February 7, 2010

February 14, 2010

Or, you can download podcasts of previous shows by logging on to On the top panel, click on “Radio/News” then “Common Threads” in the drop down menu. If you want to listen after the show has aired click the left side, “News Archive.” That will take you to the archives.

About the host: Fred Stella has been involved with Interfaith Dialogue Association for over 15 years, and has held the office of president for 12 years. He has lectured internationally on inter-religious matters.  Mr. Stella brings over 3 decades of broadcast experience to Common Threads.

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