Thanksgiving Update

I’ve been quite busy managing various stages of constructing my home, and it’s coming together even better than I imagined–thanks to my wife’s imagination. Our vision of how we want to spend our elder years is manifesting, and I feel more optimistic, hopeful, and at home than ever before. At this traditional time of thanksgiving, I truly feel thankful, fortunate, and blessed.

I’m also doing a final edit of my next book–Universalist Radha-Krishnaism: A Spirituality of Natural Devotion. It consists of Part One: A Spirituality of Liberty, Truth, and Love, which is a revised edition of my first book, and Part Two: The Way of Natural Devotion, which places Universalist Radha-Krishnaism in an interfaith historical perspective and then gives detailed information about the esoteric process of natural devotion. These two parts will be published as a casebound book of about three hundred pages early next year.

Early drafts of the manuscript chapters are on my websites, but they have since been finely polished and refined. Therefore, you will want to buy the book and read it repeatedly to get its full benefit. Happily, I still enjoy reading the book multiple times and get aha moments from it as I hope you will too. It presents Radha-Krishna devotion in a way that  makes total sense and gives great faith and enthusiasm for natural devotional practice.

A small group of friends who studied my books with me are now doing a readers theatre study of Rupa Goswami’s play, Vidagdha Madhava, to help us learn the ways of Braj.

From a thankful heart, I offer my best wishes to all for an abundant love filled life.

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